softwar libre extraño, porque unos si permiten cosas non-free
ENGLISH----------------------- -----------------------
I have been researching and viewing the list of software that is not free (vague and poorly made from Ubuntu the most obvious to the naked eye), and the premise is that if software quote, or references or supports/recomends/run proprietary software, is considered non-free.
gtreamer is shown not only as free software, by LibrePlanet lists, but also shown as an innovator software! I have understood that it supports, runs and is even more downloaded for Windows, then thisis not logical, this software supports platforms that support non-free software such as Windows or Mac (the OS is also a software ok)? It's a reverse case, if we live in shadow behind non-free systems, never do get this free as thinking ideology ahead ..
LibreOffice supports non-free formats!!!, and supports saving on them!!!, and its a great support too better in most cases!!!, also is placed on top of free software? then there is ambiguity, right! I think that the list and policies that exclude software are extremely inflexible, or rarely suitable for "someones" others .. Libre office can support formats that are not free but firefox can not do ii on plugins? interesting !!!!! ohh well free hell yeah! for me or who?
Obviously, if windozers not used and download not reach/know them as software right?, so there is obviously a political/independient item here .. and smelling like convenience for relationship between developers and business negociates!!
SPANISH----------------------- -------------
He estado investigando y viendo la lista de software que no es libre (vaga y pobremente tomada de ubuntu lo mas obvio a simple vista), y una premisa es que este si cita o tiene referencias o admite software privativo , es considerado no libre.
Este ultimo detalle, si admite softwre no libre, no es software libre como tal, entonces, porque la gram mayoria de los software libre compilan para windows y mac?
I have been researching and viewing the list of software that is not free (vague and poorly made from Ubuntu the most obvious to the naked eye), and the premise is that if software quote, or references or supports/recomends/run
In this last detail, why most of free software in mayority supports, why, why that software compile and run most of them on windows and mac?
gtreamer is shown not only as free software, by LibrePlanet lists, but also shown as an innovator software! I have understood that it supports, runs and is even more downloaded for Windows, then thisis not logical, this software supports platforms
LibreOffice supports non-free formats!!!, and supports saving on them!!!, and its a great support too better in most cases!!!, also is placed on top of free software? then there is ambiguity, right! I think that the list and policies that exclude software are extremely inflexible, or rarely suitable for "someones" others .. Libre office can support formats that are not free but firefox can not do ii on plugins? interesting !!!!! ohh well free hell yeah! for me or who?
Obviously, if windozers not used and download not reach/know them as software right?, so there is obviously a political/independient item here .. and smelling like convenience for relationship between developers and business negociates!!
He estado investigando y viendo la lista de software que no es libre (vaga y pobremente tomada de ubuntu lo mas obvio a simple vista), y una premisa es que este si cita o tiene referencias o admite software privativo , es considerado no libre.
Este ultimo detalle, si admite softwre no libre, no es software libre como tal, entonces, porque la gram mayoria de los software libre compilan para windows y mac?
gtreamer es mostrado no solo como libre, en libreplanet, sino que tambien es mostrado como innovador, pero tengo entendido que soporta, corre y hasta es mas descargado para windows, entonces esto no es ilogico, que este software apoye el que de soporte a plataformas de software no libre, como windows o mac (el os es un software tambien cito)? Es un caso de reversa, si vivimos a sombra de sistemas no libres como pensamo sacar dicha ideologia adelante..
LibreOffice soporta formatos no libres!!!, y admite guardar en ellos!!!, ademas los soporta muy bien!!!, demasiado!!!, pero es colocado en la cuspide de software librre? entonces hay ambiguedad!, lo que yo opino es que la lista y las politicas que excluyen software en GNU es demasiado inflexible, o raramente conveniente para "algunos". Libre office peude oportar formatos libres pero firefox no puede hacerlo? interesante!!!!! demonios que libertad tan rara! para mi o quien?
Es obvio, si los windoseros nolo usan como les llega la idea no?, asi que obviamente hay un tema politico/independiente aqui .. y huele a conveniencia para las relaciones entre desarrolladores y decubridores de talentos!!!
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