This guide try to setup a OpenBox desktop with modern like eye-candy, without use heavy packages like pulseaudio or xfce4. Use this guide to setup Devuan on low resource machines like the ASUS Eeepc 2G/4G or the Intel UTECH UX211 Atom laptops that are very low end on resources and normal desktop will not works as expected never on. This configuration desktop its special for those developers that need good administration of their resources due runs too many services on their machines. Why not LXDE? LXDE its not more lighter rather than openbox, mplayer does not play good a 640×480 video in the ASUS Eeepc 2G/4G when using LXDE, but with OpenBox plays decently. Software sources: repositories We need some packages from backports, so then enabling as normal repository event second chance for packages: 1) Activate and veryfy backports: grep ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list | grep devuan /etc/apt/sources.list:deb